What's next?


“So, what’s next?”

This has been the question of the month for me, ever since I quit my job.

Already pretty hard to answer, it is usually paired with suggestive questions like:

“have you applied anywhere else?”
“oh, so you’re exploring the market right now?”
“another degree it is then?”

Sometimes, people provide suggestions:

“you should travel”
“gather more experiences man, go paragliding!”
“they’re setting up a new IT hub. Habibi, come to Dubai!” (real I swear)

Usually, I dodge this question by giving a practical answer, one that people can understand quickly — “I’ll give freelancing a shot”.

But the real answer is that I don’t have any plans. I wish to do everything and I wish to do nothing.

I wish to freelance coding projects, learn to cook & to play piano, read tons of books, start a YouTube channel, travel a lot, the list is long.

I wish to wake up each day with excitement, try something interesting and see what it feels like.

I also wish to do nothing and spend my days just breathing.

I do not have a goal, an outlet, an endpoint. All I have is inspiration.

There’s no destination, so there’s no path. Rather, I’m in the grassy playground that lies in between the paths.

What are your goals? Are you enjoying your current path? Let me know by replying to this email :)

Pretty short essay this week. I spent so much time but couldn’t wrap my head around any particular topic. But I think word count does not matter as long as the message is conveyed, right?

See you next week!

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