The Courage To Show Up

Taking the next right step even when we don't feel ready.

Starting over requires courage. Changing course requires courage. But you know what else requires courage? Showing up. Simply showing up every day and taking a few steps on the path you’ve chosen.

In the beginning, you are excited, inspired, hopeful. But the excitement of the new place, job, or project soon fades away, and what remains is a routine. A routine that consists of things you like to do, but also some that you gotta do whether you feel like or not.

Waking up into the same life every day, day after day, requires courage. Maybe not the kind of courage you’d require to stand up to an authority or quitting your job. But the kind of courage you’d require to get to your desk and start typing, despite you being uninspired, despite the task being boring, despite the fact that you might just fail today.

I’m talking about the kind of courage that you need to do the next right thing.

What we need is not always the courage to disrupt the status quo, but rather, to stay on the new path we’ve chosen for long enough that we can build the new patterns we seek, create the new normal we desire, and finally see the results that we know are possible if only we can navigate through the moments when we aren’t inspired.

Brianna Wiest

That one time event of great courage is celebrated because it’s rare and memorable. But the little acts of courage and will power you showcase every day go unnoticed, even by you sometimes.

But it’s these daily acts that move you forward. Yes the big leap puts you on the right path, but showing up every day is what gets you to the destination.

Good night,


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