Living beyond peaks

Life lives in the ordinary moments.

A friend asked me “What would you do if it was your last day?”. Interesting question. She had got replies like, seeing the Northern Lights or visiting Disney Land. My natural reply was “just as today”.

Why? Well, I cannot imagine one day to be the highest point in my life. No way I’ll be ready to die after seeing Disney Land, or be satisfied after climbing the Everest.

Now don’t get me wrong, the high points in life do make us happy. But it’s not very long before they become our baseline of happiness.

Pixar’s ‘Soul’ demonstrates this concept beautifully. Joe had confined his entire life around Jazz. His dream was to perform with his idol at the Jazz club. He struggles for decades and even takes rebirth to fulfill his dream.

Sacrificing everything, he does make it to the club. But soon enough, he is faced with a question — “Now what?”.

Joe reached his highest point in life. His highest point became his new reality. Now, he does not have anything to look forward to.

All his life, he imagined how it would feel when he makes it, only to realize that it feels like… nothing.

So, I have a slightly different question for you — “What would you do if you were to live each day of your life like today?”.

It’s a valid question because for most of us, each day looks more or less the same. So instead of focusing on one peak moment, why not focus on your daily routine?

Why not focus on the space where you live every day? Why not focus on the friends you hang out with every weekend? Why not focus on the hobbies that bring you joy? Why wait for the extraordinary moments when most of our life lives in the ordinary?

It is easy to tell how you are doing in life.

When you go outside, how beautiful is the flower?

That is how you know.

Brianna Wiest, The Pivot Year (Day 48)

Every Sunday, I visit a cafe to write this newsletter. It does not excite me like the first time, but it is something I look forward to. It makes the simple act of writing a little special. And the best part? It’s an experience I can enjoy every week.

Find your special. Think how you can add more meaning to your daily life. Fix the mundane problems. Look for the extra in the ordinary.

Servicing your car makes a difference. Organizing your closet makes a difference. Scented candles make a difference. Evening guitar sessions make a difference.

Your life is not your last family vacation. Your life is not your dream home. Your life is today.

Hope you could somewhat resonate with the idea of finding joy in the ordinary. How does your today look? Share by replying to this email :)

See you around,

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