How this newsletter is changing my life...

Here's what six months of consistent writing does for you.

This is the 26th issue of Weekly Meditations. That’s 26 weeks of consistent writing. That’s 26 Sundays spent sitting alone for hours, thinking, meditating, feeling all sorts of emotions, coming up with tons of ideas, compromising most of them for the sake of word limit, and putting a piece of myself out for the world to read.

So, what’s the outcome?

Life became more interesting

Life is the story we tell ourselves. While my life is pretty much the same, writing about it allows me to narrate a better story.

Each week, when I sit to write, I’m forced to think about what’s happening around, what’s happening in my mind, what ideas I came across, who I met, what kind of conversations I had, etc. To make my essays more interesting, I am forced to tweak my perspective.

Now, I see interesting in everything. I try to draw nuggets of wisdom from everything I consume — movies, games and books. Most days give me something to reflect upon, something to take away with my future self.

While most of the ideas never find a place in my essays, just being able to ponder upon them for a while increases their lifespan in my mind. I am able to absorb them to an extent.

Every Sunday, I am able to acknowledge how interesting, how good life is!

I became more visible

Writing improves my perspective and publishing scales it. Today, when I hit publish, the newsletter is delivered to 25 people in six countries.

Now even though that’s a tiny audience, I am often reminded of the reach of my words. Time and again, I’d receive messages from the readers that they could resonate with the essay or that it inspired them.

Most of my readers are friends and family. So, when I share personal anecdotes or life updates, I feel more connected to them. It has happened several times that a friend would mention one of my essays in a conversation.

Every Sunday, I get a chance to talk to you. And, I thank you for taking the time to read my words!

Apart from these, just the act of writing is something I’ve come to love. Just being by myself, sipping Latte and typing on the laptop has become my favorite thing to do. After six months, I still look forward to it excitedly.

Would you like to try publishing your thoughts on the internet?

Take care,

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