Happy Diwali 🪔

A short writeup on the festival of lights.

Pooja setup at my home

Diwali is the festival of lights. Every corner of the country is lit up with diyas. The skies are ornamented with fireworks. Diwali dispels darkness, literally and spiritually.

Diwali is the festival of family. Doesn’t matter how seldom you meet, families celebrate Diwali together.

Diwali is the festival of food. We prepare a trunk load of snacks and sweets at home. Not to mention the expansive variety of treats the market offers during the season.

Diwali is the festival of senses. Your eyes capture the beauty of Rangoli. You lose your patience during pooja when you hear the first rocket blow up. That scent from the burning oil of diya or that of the thick smoke left by a chain of crackers. Your mouth remains sweet through and through from the mithai you’ve been eating all month.

Diwali is the festival of everything new. New clothes, new appliances, new car, people wait for Diwali to loosen their pockets. Homes undergo thorough cleaning, rendering a polished new look.

Diwali is the festival of gifts. People exchange gifts with family, friends, colleagues, neighbors, etc. The gift economy reaches a different level during the festive season. No matter the kind, every shop turns into a gift gallery.

Diwali is the festival of excitement. Traffic is at its peak, streets are crowded, it’s noisy all around. Everything is moving, stillness is nowhere to be found. There’s an urge to buy yet another pack of Phuljari, Anaar or Rocket. There’s a rush to go home and set these things on fire.

Diwali is the festival of prosperity. Markets bustle, shops expand, businesses boom and employees get bonus. This festival leaves everyone wealthier, happier.

What’s your favorite thing about Diwali? Share your thoughts by replying to this email.

Once again, wishing you a happy and prosperous Diwali ✨ 

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