Anticipating 2024

Lots of hope from the new year!

Here’s a song that describes exactly what I hope.

But to put things objectively, I hope to…

Earn Again

I gathered the courage to quit my job in 2023. This year, I hope to become financially independent once again. I hope to start earning, but on my own terms. I won’t pursue a full-time job and instead take on projects under my name.

Finish Up Courses

Speaking of projects, I am already working with two companies to create programming courses. This year, I hope to finish them up and add the badge of ‘teacher’ to my profile.

Write 365 Answers on Quora

Quora is a question-answer website where you can practice writing while helping others and building a reputation for yourself. I started a little challenge to write one answer everyday in December. This year, I hope to stick to the challenge and have a portfolio of 365 answers by November end.

Create YouTube Videos

YouTube has a steep learning curve and demands commitment. That’s why I haven’t given it a shot despite wanting so much. This year, I hope to start my channel and build marketing leverage.

Get Fitter

Aesthetics and measurements do not matter to me. All I care about is what I can do with my fitness. So this year, I hope to be able to do Handstand, Clap Pull-ups and run 25km.

Learn To Cook

It’s high time I learn the most fundamental skill of all — cooking. This year, I hope host a family dinner.

Learn Piano

It’s been years since I formed interest in music. I even bought a MIDI keyboard only to find out that music composition requires tremendous amounts of effort. So keeping things simple, this year, I hope to start my music journey with piano.

Get PADI Certified

Just thinking about it gives me shivers, but this year, I hope to learn scuba diving.

What do you hope for? What are your goals and resolutions for 2024? Let me know by replying to this email.

Happy New Year!🥂 

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